How many of you have tried to do the whole reading of the bible in a year? I know that I have tried many times. Mostly on my own. I would get started and then not even a third of the way in I would be lost and stop. I had no idea what I was doing or how to actually study the bible. It didn’t take me but a few tries to realize I hate those things. That was until this year back in April when I came across an Instagram post that led me to HeartDive 365 with Kanoe.
It is different from any other bible study I had ever attended or used. Each day as we read through the bible she offers up explanations and thoughts. Both her own and those from scholars or commentaries. She has done the work and it has made understanding and studying the bible so much easier for me. This particular bible study began in January so when I started in April I was behind.
Initially I thought I would do several studies a day and catch up. However after two days I quickly learned I was pouring through information but retaining little of it. So, I began again. It was that simple and to be honest it was Kanoe herself that helped me realize it was okay to be behind where she was. In the video I happened to be watching she made the remark that if we had missed a day or two or were at a different starting point that was okay. What was important was that we were doing it everyday. If we skipped several days for whatever reason it was more important that we came back and was doing it than checking some box off our to-do list.
At that moment, I knew I had found the bible study for me. I am still behind where she is and that is okay. I am on my own journey. In fact, I am further behind because I don’t watch bible study on the weekends. On Saturdays I verse map from the chapters read Monday through Friday. Just one of two verses.
On Sundays, I work on an in depth study just to dig deeper and get more from the word. I am an analytical person and understand things better when I can break it down and study it. I know that can make no sense to others but throughout the week when I am reading any questions or things I want to know more about I write them down and use Sundays to look further into it. I buy and print out the Heart Checks and Deep Dives that Kanoe offers in her shop and use those to work through what I have learned for the week. On a side note, I will say she does not push you to buy these. Many followers screenshot the heart checks and deep dive questions as they come up in the videos.I just like having them printed out so I can put them into my binder.

Another thing I am so grateful to Kanoe for is her notes. Above is a screenshot of her notes. I have a chronic illness on top of severe carpal tunnel syndrome. There are days where I struggle to write my own name. Her notes allow me to print them out and add them as pages to my bible. That way I have the notes, I can add anything I want to on there and of course I also write other notes in the margins. She will never know how much this has meant to me. Without her notes I would have given up because I just can’t do it every day. Some days I can’t even write out my notes. I record them and then later when I am having a good day I go back and listen to them and write them in.
There have been days when I can’t move enough to even open the bible and read. However, I come right back to it once I can. I know that I won’t finish with Kanoe in 2024 but I will finish. I have learned so much that I never knew. There are also things that I thought I knew about the bible but actually didn’t. One thing I know for sure is that if I can do it in a way that works for me then anyone can do it. Even if you are only reading two days a week. Find a system that works for you and start today. It doesn’t matter if today is day one of the millionth time you have begun. Today is all that matters.
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