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1 Chronicles 6: All that Genealogy
Let me start this by saying that I enjoy genealogy but let me tell you that 1 Chronicles Chapter 6 left me reeling. There is so much genealogy that when I sat down to do my notes, I was lost….

The Unforgivable Sin – Am I Doomed?
Recently I saw a social media post about the unforgivable sin and it got me thinking. Have I committed this sin? I know that I have. Am I doomed to never be forgiven? If that is the case then why…

We All Need a Jonathan
The truth is at the end of our lives we will be lucky to have had one or two friends that stuck with us through it all. Through all the ups and downs, the good times and the bad. The…

Urim and Thummim
When reading the Bible you may have come across these two words and wondered just what they were. I know that I was and let me tell you there are a lot of little things like these in the Bible…

Just What is a Bible Side Note?
I am sure that you saw that little category on my homepage and thought “what in the world”? Well, let me explain. How many times have you been in bible study or church and the pastor (or whoever) be teaching…

August 2024 Bible Study Plan
I have already said several times that I am using the HeartDive Bible Study. I am working my way through it but my schedule is a little different. I don’t do bible study on the weekends as I use those…